Here is a few pictures of our home. These are the rooms that are set up and worth seeing so far.
Miete and Lilli's room.
It is an Owl themed room, I guess.
I made this for our 'Hang Out' room. I saw it on an Urban Outfitters site, but their one was like $40, so I decided to make my own. It took me forever, but thanks to my Cricut I think it turned out better then the original.
left side of 'Hang Out' room. |
right side of 'Hang Out' room. Dragon art on wall courtesy of Miete. |
Kitchen. The Owl is a chalk board, other side is the art board. Note the scary pig mask. |
We obviously need to rearrange our pictures and put some larger ones on that wall. |
I am having trouble uploading more pictures, so this is what you get for now. I will try to add more later.
Gorgeous Home! And that art of Miete's is it a Dragon? It is amazing!