Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring and Possibilities

It seems as if spring as finally arrived in Calgary. We have been teased a little over the past month with all the chinooks, but it is April now, so I am starting to feel safe. The weather is consistently warming up for longer periods of time, and I am starting to see small signs of growth: little pieces of green grass beneath all the brown, tiny buds on my lilac bushes, even the occasional lady bug or butterfly. The white jack rabbits that run rampant are starting to turn brown again, and the snow melts quickly after it falls. I can't help but feel hopeful after such a long winter.
Violet throwing rocks in the river

  I love all the sunshine we get here. The kids are outside every day now, and I also try to be. I am eager to explore and go on more hikes. We seem to find a new park or path every week now. The pathway system out here is so fantastic. We found a really great one today that ran along the river and under a train bridge and then over the river beside another train bridge. Leif was in pure heaven when two different trains crossed over opposite bridges. We were about 200 meters away from the first bridge when we heard the train start to cross. I have never seen Leif run so fast for such a distance, to get to that bridge. That boy is totally train obsessed.
I am looking forward to going for a run this week on some of these new found paths. It's supposed to be 14 degrees on Tuesday. How lovely is that?!
muddy-footed children, after tromping down by the river

 If I am feeling grumpy or irritable, getting outside in the sunshine just blows it all away, especially if I can run. Is there really anyone who doesn't enjoy getting outdoors on a beautiful day.

 So there are a few different topics I want to write about, but I don't want to make this too long and boring, so maybe I'll have to be choosy. Firstly we are hoping to move back to B.C this summer. We don't know if it will happen or not as it is contingent on Christopher getting a job in B.C. We do love Calgary and find it much more pleasant than we anticipated when we first moved here, but most of my family is in B.C. Particularly, my parents who are getting older and having health issues. I would like to spend as much time near them as I can, and would like my children too as well, so they can maintain strong memories of them. I expect and hope to be near so I can care for them in the coming years as well. Christopher has applied for a job in the federal prison system as a counselor at several different prisons in B.C. We won't hear anything until the end of April, and hopefully no later. He applies for jobs here as well, because his current job is temporary and kind of sucks.
today, down by the river

 Another reason we hope to go back to B.C is for my education. I found the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and have fallen in love. There is a campus here, as well as in Vancouver and on the island. I went to a open house for the school a couple of months ago and it got me so excited. I feel as if this school as been created specifically for me. I love food and I love nutrition. It's perfect. It is a ten month very intensive course, and there is an evening option which is perfect for me because I can continue to homeschool my children and get my studying done in the day. They are holding a spot for me at the campus here until the end of April. I need to register then, and can transfer to whichever B.C campus if we move. Another reason I am hoping we move is because in B.C they offer full student loans for the program. Here they don't offer student loans and the grants are only for up to $1800. School with books and everything is just over $7000 and there are a multitude of different payment options. However, with our current income, none of those options are feasible. I need a miracle! If we stay here I will have to find another way, maybe a part time job.
trying to get close to one of the many natural springs

Violet is giving Leif a bite of her dirty candy that
she's been holding in her grubby fingers for the past
20 minutes.
 Going back to school is so important to my mental well being. While I love being a stay at home mom, and spending everyday, all day with my children, and having very little life outside of my home, (sarcasm) I need to feel like I have something to offer and share with others that is my own. I want to work and earn an income. I want to make friends with like minded people and most of all I want to be useful. I think of all those people, many in just my family, with health problems that I could help. Also, I need this separation, and I know there are people that think this is selfish, that think I should feel completely full and satisfied with motherhood and wifedom, but it isn't the whole story. Of course my family comes first. One reason I love this career choice is if I am a nutrition consultant, I can schedule my own hours and continue to educate my children at home, and I will be happy. My self-confidence will improve and I will have more to offer to my family's well being as well as others.

 In B.C I can put Violet into preschool, which would be very nice for everyone. I don't have that option here. The homeschooling system we worked with in B.C was preferable to the one we do here. This one is much more independent, and there are fewer opportunities for the girls to interact with other children. The program we worked with before was very community like. There were constant activities for the girls and opportunities for them to make friends and see the same kids on a regular basis. I don't even have the option here for homeschooling Leif, as there is no gov't funding for kindergarten.
muddy little feet
Well that is a brief synopsis of what is going on with us right now.


  1. I admire you having the patience to homeschool your children. It takes a very special person to do that. I'm glad you guys are getting a taste of spring. We are down here in Utah too. It's nice to have a break from the cold.

  2. Are you going to bring Kelly back with you? ;)
