Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our Home

Here is a few pictures of our home. These are the rooms that are set up and worth seeing so far.
Miete and Lilli's room.
It is an Owl themed room, I guess.

I made this for our 'Hang Out' room. I saw it on an Urban Outfitters site, but their one was like $40, so I decided to make my own. It took me forever, but thanks to my Cricut I think it turned out better then the original.
left side of 'Hang Out' room.

right side of 'Hang Out' room. Dragon art on wall courtesy of Miete.
Kitchen. The Owl is a chalk board, other side is the art board. Note the scary pig mask.
We obviously need to rearrange our pictures and put some larger ones on that wall. 

I am having trouble uploading more pictures, so this is what you get for now. I will try to add more later.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous Home! And that art of Miete's is it a Dragon? It is amazing!

